Author: KCF
La Nacion: “De San Francisco a Nueva York”
Publicado en el diario La Nación (Argentina) 22 de abril de 2011. De San Francisco a Nueva York con María Volonté: La cantante y compositora recorrerá Estados Unidos de oeste a este, en una gira de tres meses, llamada Blue Tango Tour: el nombre sintetiza la idea de combinar diversos géneros, que tanto seduce a…
Tapas Milonga – April 13, 2011
Here are some photos from the Tapas Milonga in Newport Beach on April 13. Thanks to the new friends who danced so intensely to our music and to the super-charming organizer Jimmi for the passion she puts into spreading the love of tango. Thanks also to tango professor Roberto Luque for his wonderful work and…
Join the US tour / Sumate a la gira
You can be a part of Maria’s Summer Tour across the US by organizing a house concert. Discover why more and more people are hosting intimate concerts in their owns homes. (We have even prepared a simple guide about how to do it!)
Pagina 12: “La exploradora”
Diez preguntas a Maria Volonte La exploradora (Por Flor Monfort) 1. ¿Por qué su último disco se llama 9 vidas? –Podrían haber sido 9 mil… Me parece un número mágico, me hace pensar en la luna, en el misterio del embarazo y nueve eran las canciones que quería grabar. Pero lo más importante para mí…
18 Mar.- Berkeley, CA
The Río de la Plata Milonga Music from Argentina and Uruguay: Tango + Candombe Friday March 18, 9pm-2am Live music by Trío Garufa, joined by special guests: – María Volonté (Voice & Guitar) – Urubanda (Candombe), with Edgardo Cambón (Percussion & Voice) and Walter González (Percussion) Tango lesson 8-9, w/Andrea Fuchilieri Door: $15 Ashkenaz Music…
20 Mar.- Avonova – Oakland, CA
ARGENTINA’S MARIA VOLONTE TO PLAY AVONOVA ON MARCH 20 The “Blue Tango” show is Maria’s exploration of the deep spiritual bond that joins tango and the blues, as two genres steeped in sin, born in brothels, censored yet always resurgent and speaking directly to our souls. Performing together with harmonica player Kevin Carrel Footer, Maria’s…
Angelito… with dobro!
Maria performs her song “Angelito del Campo” at the Rrazz Room in San Francisco with the incredible Jeff Magidson on dobro and Kevin Carrel Footer on harmonica.
Name that van! / Bautizá la combi!
Click here to name the van (ends April 20) [one_half] Help Maria name her US tour van. June through August 2011, Maria will be taking the Blue Tango Tour across the US, from Portland to San Francisco to Los Angeles to New York and Washington, DC. Help her name the faithful van that will be…
Songlines (UK) CD Review
“The Best Kept Secret of Argentinian Tango”: Her European debut gathers together tracks from her five previous albums and shows off a singer who can switch between jazz and blues-influenced vocals, intimate Argentinian-style folk singing and classic big tango diva numbers.
2010: Que año! / What a year!
[box type=”shadow”] Click a photo to view gallery / Cliquear una foto para ver la galeria en grande [/box]
Clarín: Lejos de lo seguro
Entrevista a Maria Volonte publicado en Clarin (Argentina). Charlando con el periodista Eduardo Slusarczuk, Maria habla de su evolución artística y el desafío de “ser la más extrema versión de mí misma”. Y de la necesidad de huir de lo seguro para seguir creciendo.
Tomas Lipan canta el Feliz Cumple a Maria
Se cruzaron en un recital y Tomas Lipán sorprendió a María cantándole el Cumpleaños Feliz. Otra noche inolvidable de grandes amigos musicales.Mirá el video!
Review: The Guardian
Maria Volonté is an intriguingly versatile and original Argentinian singer and songwriter who has been nominated for a Latin Grammy but is little known in Britain, largely, it seems, because no one has bothered to promote her here until now.
Nuevo CD europeo / New European CD
The prestigious German world music label Network Medien recently issued “Maria Volonte: Portrait,” Maria’s first European release. For the CD, Network has combined musical high points from Maria’s career with exclusive new recordings.
10 Dic. – Volonte con Marikena Monti
María nos invita a compartir una noche íntima y sensual, celebrando la creatividad femenina. Este viernes, 10 de diciembre su invitada especial es Marikena Monti.
Viernes 3, 10 y 17 de diciembre en Clásica y Moderna
María Volonté presenta su nuevo CD 9 Vidas Viernes, 3, 10 y 17 de diciembre – 22.00hs Clásica y Moderna Avda. Callao 892, Buenos Aires Reservas: 4812-8707 María nos invita a compartir una noche íntima y sensual, celebrando la creatividad femenina, en un nuevo espectáculo que une obras de las grandes compositoras latinoamericanas (“Gracias a…
Postcard from San Francisco
Video of Maria and Kevin performing outdoors at San Francisco’s Union Square. It was a beautiful day, no fog! and the dancers came out in droves to dance to “SF Tango,” the song Kevin and Maria wrote to celebrate the incredible tango community in the Bay Area.