At the Sonoma Jazz Festival – 24 May 2008En el Festival de Jazz de Sonoma




Just imagine a beautiful town full of history, the irresistible promise of tasting exquisite wines and listening to music, lots of people wandering the streets in a long-weekend sort of mood. It was idyllic.

Though it rained – something that is rare in California — every aspect of the show at the Sonoma Meritage Tent went perfectly well. Even our new sound system which we were testing live for the first time made a great debut. As we musicians say, it was like listening to a CD – a quality that is hard to achieve when playing live.

I really enjoyed singing backed by Seth Asarnow, an incredible musician from California who plays the music of Argentina beautifully not only on the piano…but also on the bandoneon! In addition to this I shared the stage with Kevin Footer, a harmonica player who created a soulful combination of tango and the spirit of the blues.

Best of all, I made many new friends up in Sonoma. In each of our four sets I felt as if I were embraced by the audience and once again I was surprised, in spite of the fact that I sing mostly in Spanish, by the intensity of their listening, the rapport and understanding that developed. After the show, many people came up to me with tears in their eyes. It was clear that even those who did not speak Spanish knew exactly of what I sang. Music is truly a magical form of communication.

Finally, after the show, it was time for the artists to have fun! Under the caring eye of Carlo, the famous chef of The Meritage, we enjoyed friendship, a lovely meal and wine. We raised our glasses in a special toast for true passion and for the love of music that connects us, breaking down all barriers.

P.S. If you were at the concert, send me a message and tell me about it! I’ll look forward to hearing from yo

Imaginate una ciudad llena de historia, la promesa de probar unos vinos exquisitos vinos y escuchar música, mucha gente caminando por las calles, fin de semanda largo…idilico!

Aunque llovió – algo que es raro en California – todos los aspectos el show en el Sonoma Meritage salio fenomeno. Estrenamos equipo de sonido..como un CD!…

Me fascina cantar con Seth Asarnow, un increíble músico de California, que toca tango como si hubera nacido en el Abasto. No solo el piano, tambien el bandoneon!…Y Kevin Footer en la armonica blues y tango, un solo corazon.

Lo mejor de todo, hice muchos nuevos amigos en onoma. Me sorprendió, a pesar de que yo canto en castellano, la intensidad de la escucha, la comprensión y la relación que se desarrolló a traves de las canciones. Después del show, muchas personas se acercaron conmovidas, entusiasmadas, para decirme cosas inolvidables.